How to Manage Stress During the Holidays
Posted by Allura Joy on Dec 21 in Lifestyle, Women
The holidays can be a wonderful time for family get-togethers, parties, traditions and customs, yet all the added stress and pressure can certainly take a toll on our personal relationships. The obligations of gift-giving and demands from our friends and families can greatly affect our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Many of us seem to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping, seeking out all the latest and greatest gadgets that the retail markets have to offer. Sadly, Christmas has become more about consumerism and expectations of material reward rather than realizing the true spirit of what the holidays may represent in our heart and soul.
“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” ~Helen Keller
Fun-filled activities are terrific way to relieve stress. Consider giving the gift of experience to create happy memories. It can be so much more meaningful than some needless thingamajig. Plan an entertaining outing with your family or enjoy a night out on the town with your sweetie. Give them tickets to a concert, play, or comedy show. Go out dancing, bowling, or to a movie – whatever you may both enjoy. Taking time to nourish your personal relationships by spending quality time together is more beneficial than anything else.
It may be easier said than done to remain peaceful, calm and in a joyful state of holiday cheerfulness. With all the additional social functions, expenses, travel logistics and family dramas, the stress of dealing with it all can sometimes push us over the edge. We tend to take out our frustrations on those closest to us – usually our significant others who take the brunt of our inevitable holiday madness. During this time of enhanced activity and intense emotion, it can sometimes be a ‘make or break’ time in our relationships. Certain situations may bring us closer together or drive us apart.
Whenever we feel anxiety, stress or tension about whatever we’re observing or experiencing, try pausing for a moment to count your blessings. You will have a much more positive experience when you strive to maintain an ‘attitude of gratitude’ and see the wonder and beauty in all things – even what you may not understand or agree with. If you focus energy criticizing other people and situations, then you tend to draw more unpleasantness into your life. When you look for what we enjoy and appreciate about others, especially your significant others, your perspectives will begin to shift and you will see them in a whole new light.
Sex is certianly a great way to relieve stress! Be sure to make time to soulfully connect with your significant other during this busy time of year. Investing quality time and positive energy in your partnership may help make everything else in your life much easier to deal with. Give your lover a special gift bag labeled “To Us” and open privately together. You may include some fun personal products such as Sensual Massage with a handmade voucher good for a full body massage with a ‘happy ending’. Also include some lubricant, stimulating gel, and perhaps some erotic media – whatever you can think of to heat up your cold winter nights.